is a tokusatsu children's comedy show from Japan. Produced by Toho Company Ltd., the show ran a total of 260 episodes, and aired on Fuji TV from October 1, 1973 to September 27, 1974. Kure Kure Takora—the main character of the show wants everything he sees and says "Kure! Kure! (I want it! I want it!)" all the time. Each episode ran exactly 2 minutes and 41 seconds. However, episodes 223, 252 and 255 never aired. The show was eventually rebroadcast over CS digital satellite television, with the exception of episode 220, which was omitted because Takora is repeatedly referred to by his neighbors as "crazy"—which was thought to be verbally abusive towards the mentally ill—as he goes on a violent rampage. Laserdisc and VHS versions of the show have been released. Currently only the DVD version (which includes episode 220) is available in the Japanese market. ==Staff== *Creator/Planning - Osamu Isono *Writers - Shinichi Ichikawa, Hiroshi Kashiwabara, Yuko Kinoshita, Yoshimi Shinozaki, Yuji Watanabe *Directors - Katsumune Ishida, Ko Tsuboshima, Tsugunobu Otani *Music - Shunsuke Kikuchi 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Kure Kure Takora」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク